

Games that I have contributed to, that can all be played through my page.

Arcane Raiders

Arcane Raiders is an online/local multiplayer game that has been published on Steam. For this project, I designed and implemented all spells, as well as implementing shaders and additional VFX.

Arcane Raiders was displayed at the UTS Tech Fest 2024 Student Showcase, where it won first place for best game in 
Game Design Studio 1.

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Nothing Shady at THIS BBQ!

This action game was created in four days for the UTS Playmakers Summertime Game Jam 2024. I contributed through creating the tutorial, food system, and menus.

The game achieved 2nd place.

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Smoothie Maker Pro

A frantic puzzle game created in 48 hours for the Pixel Pasture Invitational Game Jam 2024. I contributed with ensuring positive user experience.

The game achieved 3rd overall place, with the highest public voting.

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Starship Scramble

This game was created by myself and other members of Team Stingray for the Game Design Methodologies subject, where it was presented at the UTS Student Games Showcase 2023.

Starship Scramble also appeared at the SXSW Sydney Games Festival Main Showcase, where it was presented over the course of three days.

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Interactive Projects

In addition to published games, I have experimented with creating software for different platforms, including three.js and the Unreal Engine

Group Project - GeneRACE!

This projected demonstrated Unreal Engine knowledge taught in Advanced Games Programming, including C++ programming and multiplayer implementation.

For this project, I implemented the procedurally generated race track and the visual aspects of the game.

Group Project - Doodle Jump

This was a group project, and demonstrates all content taught in the subject Introduction to Computer Graphics.

A demonstration video is provided.

Fragment Shader TV

This project demonstrates model loading and custom fragment shaders effects in three.js. It received full marks.

You can view the website it is hosted on, or view the provided video!

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There are a few other projects that could not be filed under the earlier categories

My Website

The website you are currently viewing has been created entirely by myself, using the Bootstrap 5 library. It has been carefully crafted to adhere to both computer and mobile screens.

Provided is a screenshot of the development process of the main page.